Learning Enrichment Center
Drop-In Tutoring
Appointment-based Tutoring
Tutoring for a class not listed
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Click here for a list of frequently asked questions about our services.
Become a tutor!
We are currently hiring peer tutors for the 2024-2025 academic year. Students from all majors and departments are encouraged to apply.
Peer tutors must be currently enrolled students at the University of Montevallo and have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. To apply, please visit the UM Employment Page and select Student Positions to view open postings for the LEC.
LEC Mission Statement
The LEC assists students in identifying their academic needs and provides them with support that will strengthen their academic skills, helping them become more confident students.
LEC Services
We offer the following services for students:
- Individual Tutoring: Meet one-on-one with a tutor in the LEC
- Small-Group Tutoring: Meet with a tutor in addition to 1-2 other students in the class at the same time
- Online Tutoring: Meet with a tutor virtually one-on-one or in a small group.
- Drop-In Tutoring: Meet with a tutor without having to make an appointment.
- Assessments of Academic Needs: Meet one-on-one with a professional staff member to discuss your academic concerns and develop a plan to address them.
For ways to get the most out of in-class time and ways to structure your out-of-class time, check out The Study Cycle. And, for tips on succeeding in distance education courses, please refer to the Online Learning Guide.
Have more questions or need help with something else?
Contact Rachel Strain, Coordinator of Tutoring, at rstrain@yibangyi.net or schedule a meeting here.