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Academic Support

About Advising

About Advising

Academic Advising at the University of Montevallo empowers students throughout their time at the University to develop an educational plan that supports and coordinates their academic and professional goals. This plan is realized through a collaborative partnership between the student and the advisor.

Students must obtain approval from their advisor in order to register or preregister for courses. A student should meet with the advisor during the preregistration advising period and should consult the advisor prior to any change in classes, prior to a change in major or minor, immediately following any report of unsatisfactory progress, and when considering withdrawal from the University.

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The academic advising process at the University seeks to:

  1. Establish open lines of communication regarding students’ goals and academic progress;
  2. Offer career guidance and support to students as they connect to their chosen degree program;
  3. Guide students in the creation of a plan to work toward timely graduation; and
  4. Reaffirm the value of general education and the liberal arts experience.

Academic Advising Resources

Student Responsibilities

To ensure a successful advising experience, students are responsible for:

  1. Being familiar with the policies and requirements of the University as outlined in this Bulletin and on the University’s website;
  2. Monitoring their online degree evaluation, degree plan, and/or transfer evaluation so information regarding progress toward a degree is readily available;
  3. Meeting with their advisor at least once each semester to discuss academic and/or professional plans;
  4. Preparing a draft of the upcoming semester’s class schedule prior to the advising meeting that takes into account degree requirements and professional goals;
  5. Informing their advisor prior to any change in classes, prior to a change in major or minor, immediately following any report of unsatisfactory progress, and when considering withdrawal from the University;
  6. Responding to contact from their advisor in a timely manner;
  7. Bringing questions about opportunities such as internships, study abroad, etc., as they relate to the student’s academic plan.

Students are ultimately responsible for planning and implementing their own academic programs, and no legal responsibility rests with the University. The University reserves the right to modify degree requirements, programs of study, and curricula as it deems necessary or appropriate.

Advisor Responsibilities

Students are ultimately responsible for developing and achieving their goals, but an advisor assists by:

  1. Meeting with each advisee every semester to plan for steady progress toward the completion of their degree;
  2. Answering advisees’ questions regarding requirements for the degree program;
  3. Providing mentorship within the discipline;
  4. Providing information about limitations, alternatives, and consequences of academic program decisions; and
  5. Directing each advisee toward appropriate professional support personnel (e.g. career planning, academic support services, and financial aid counseling).

While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of advising, neither the advisor nor the university is responsible for delays in the student’s progress to graduation if the student does not successfully follow the requirements in this Bulletin.

More information is found on the Registrar’s Office web page and the Falcon Success Center’s web page.

Assignment of Academic Advisors

Advisors are assigned by the major department. However, if a student changes majors, a new advisor is assigned by the new major department when the change of major is approved. A student may change advisors within a department by consulting the chair of the department

Suggested Course of Study

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